• Recipes

    Quick and Easy Canapés

    Canapés don’t have to be elaborate to make an impression. In fact, some of the simplest combinations can yield the tastiest results. A canapé, by definition, is “a piece of bread, cracker or pastry which is topped with cheese, caviar or a similar savoury topping”. A Few Helpful Tips: A Few Simple Ideas Add one of the following ingredients to softened cream cheese and spread on the foundation of your choice. Garnish as desired. A Few Simple Combinations Photo by Vidal Balielo Jr.

  • Review

    Veronika Decides to Die

    When Paulo Coelho (The Alchemist) was a young man, his parents had him committed to mental hospitals three times because he wanted to be an artist–an unacceptable profession in Brazil at the time. During his numerous forced incarcerations he vowed to write some day about his experiences and the injustices of involuntary commitment. In this fable-like novel, Coelho makes good on his promise, with the creation of a fictional character named Veronika who decides to kill herself when faced with all that is wrong with the world and how powerless she feels to change anything. Although she survives her initial suicide attempt, she is committed to a mental hospital where…

  • Lifestyle

    How to Makeover Your Man

    Horrified by what your man calls fashion? Looking to revamp your man’s style? Whether it’s for a special occasion or just a change of pace, a makeover can be a great way to boost his confidence and help him look and feel his best. In this article, we’ll show you how to give your man a makeover that will leave him looking and feeling great. Well you have 3 options: a) Threaten to burn all his clothes.b) Tell him you won’t go out with him in public if he doesn’t improve his image.c) Or you could try these simple steps: Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/pensive-young-woman-choosing-outfit-while-dressing-in-light-vintage-bedroom-3768580/

  • Comment


    A conversation with girlfriends about 4 years ago would have sounded something like this: “Oh I definitely don’t want to get married yet, it’s still too early for me. I still want a career and travel and there’s a lot I need to get out of my system before I make such a huge commitment”. Today, things may sound a little different. It is not that I have changed my mind about my career, or the travel I want to do, or the “things” that I need to get out of my system, it’s just that now I (and most other women of my age) am on a biological stopwatch.…

  • Mother

    Part 5: Got the baby. Get rid of the husband?

    Most of you know that marriages can be stressful at the best of time, so the added pressure that comes with having a baby is not easy. Some couples who are going through a rough time think that the answer to their problems is a baby: “a baby to save a marriage.” Unfortunately this decision is more likely to destroy such a marriage than to save it. One statistic to keep in mind is that the state of a marriage one year before the baby’s birth is the best predictor of the quality of parenting. Change is always difficult and the arrival of this new person into a couple’s life…

  • Lifestyle

    How to always have something to wear

    Always buying clothes but never have anything to wear? Step by step instructions on how to develop a wardrobe. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/pensive-young-woman-choosing-outfit-while-dressing-in-light-vintage-bedroom-3768580/

  • Mother

    Part 4: Is this really my child?

    If you’ve ever had an active interest in psychology than you are bound to have heard of the nature/nurture debate. It involves the degree to which the environment or biology (i.e. genes) determine our actions and our behaviour. There is no clear-cut answer but it has become widely accepted that both play a role in an individual’s life. Some researchers in behaviour genetics claim that the more we learn about genetics, the more we recognise the importance of the environment. Let us look at some of the factors which are or are not inherited. If you are hopeless at figuring out a map then it’s likely your child will be…

  • Lifestyle

    How to find your size

    Sizes mean nothing!! One manufacturer’s size 8 is another one’s 12. UK sizes look the same as US, but they’re not. German sizes look like French sizes but they’re not! Finding your size can be a challenge. But armed with your accurate measurements, you can decipher any sizing system. What you’ll need – A cloth tape measure and a full-length mirror. Take measurements undressed or in lightweight clothes. Pull the tape measure tight, but not too tight. Keep your arms at your side and have a friend take the measurements, for the best results. And don’t slouch! Stand up nice and tall. BustMeasure around the shoulder blades, under the armpits…